What is being said about Playable City?
Below are links to selected news stories, articles, posts and discussions from international press, to give a flavour of what people are saying about Playable City.
Playable City Sandbox 2023
Unlock the City: Playable City week brings interactive art to Bristol | Design Exchange | 28.06.23
Soft inflatable robots to take over Bristol this summer | Design week | 17.02.23
Playable City Sandbox Commissions | City Monitor | 08.02.23
Playable City 2020
How to create a Playable City | Creative review | 20.01.20
Playable City Award 2016
Playable City Open for Entries | Design Week | 18.06. 2016
Playable City | BBC Click | 5.10.2016
Playable City Shortlisted Projects | TechSpark | 04.10.2016
Playable Cities | Design Week | 04.10.2016
Playable City 2016 shortlist revealed | Bristol 24/7 | 28.09.2016
Bus stops with swings and pedestrian crossings with dance floors could be coming to Bristol |
Bristol Post | 05.10.2016
Playful Crosswalk makes being a pedestrian more delightful | Fast Co | 11.09.2016
Playable Cities Projects Crosswalk Party | | CityLab (The Atlantic) | 11.09.2016
Hirsch Mann Revealed Winner Playable City Award | Design Week | 11.09.2016
Interactive Signposts and Pedestrian Crossing Parties | City Metric | 18.09.2016
Hirsch & Mann win 2016 Playable City Award | World of Architecture | 01.11.2016
Transforming pedestrian crossings into playful moments Arts Council | 01.11.2016
How do you hack a city | Wired | 05.11.2019
Playable City Award Winner 2015: Urbanimals
Urbanimals are here | Techspark | 15.10.2015
Digital kangaroo, rabbit and dolphin released on to the streets of Bristol | The Guardian | 16.09.2015
Wild 3D ‘Urbanimals’ take over Bristol’s streets | Wired | 15.09.2015
Playable City Awad 2015 | The Space | 12.06.2015
Interactive animated animals will soon be appearing on the streets of Bristol| CityMetric | 11.06.2015
Urbanimals installation wins Bristol Playable City award | BBC News | 09.06.2015
Push The Button, Playable City 2015 | The Huffington Post | 09.06.2015
Playable City Award Winner 2014: Shadowing
Game on! 7 fun ideas for playful cities | Cape Town Partnership | 18.06.2015
Apple Watch, Lynx revival, VR fearfest: Podcast 209 | Wired Podcast (19.47 minutes in) | 12.03.15
Smart Cities: Developing for your city | Developer Tech | 12.03.15
Designs of the Year 2015: the nominations | Creative Review | 19.02.2015
Step into the pool of light and run round in circles | Imperica | 28.12.14
Shadowing, Playable City | Creative States | 16.11.14
Bristol: Where work meets play | Rife magazine | 02.10.14
“Shadowing” Street Project, Bristol | Cool Hunting | 17.09.14
Playable Cities: the city that plays together, stays together | The Guardian | 04.09.14
Remember talking lamp posts? Meet this year’s Playable City winner | Smart Cities Council | 13.06.14
Out of the Shadows… by Clare Reddington | Huffington Post | 11.06.14
Shadow project wins latest playful smart cities initiative | Fast Company | 09.06.14
Playable City Award Winner 2013: Hello Lamp Post
Bristol loves cereal, Tokyo hates doing the dishes, and other lessons from “Hello Lamp Post” | City Metric | 21.07.2015
How art is making the data-driven city more liveable | The Guardian | 11.06.2015
Giving Voice to Tokyo’s Street Furniture | Huffington Post | 20.04.2015
Austin Says Hello to Hello Lamp Post | Orange Magazine | 03.03.2015
Art project lets people converse with street furniture | Fox 7 | 12.02.15
Bristol, a city where lampposts talk | European Green Capital | 02.10.13